HAPPY NEW MONTH FRIENDS. Whatsoever your heart has ached for from the beginning of this year till now, i see you getting them this month in Jesus name. This Is To Apologize For Going MIA. And Also Notify You That I Won’t Be Online For A While Till Mid-December, So No Posts From Me BecauseContinue reading “NOTIFICATION”


I am celebrating my two weeks anniversary today and this won’t have been possible without you my WordPress family. Thanks for the tips, the follows, the likes, the comments and shares. I really appreciate you all and love you all. God will bless you richly indeed. I may not be able to come here fromContinue reading “TWO WEEKS ANNIVERSARY”


What does it mean to be unbridled? (James 1:26) It means to have no restraint or limit. The tongue is the smallest part of the body. In other words, an unbridled tongue is an untamed tongue. This tongue though being the smallest part of the body can set the full body on fire. It canContinue reading “THE UNBRIDLED TONGUE”

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